Rebecca Darlington

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Doing an Artist Residency or Turn My Life Upside-Down Please

It's insane. Going all this way to make art. Why?

I keep asking myself this question. Especially dragging a 50 pound suitcase and 50 inch x 5 in tube of rolled art through airports, hotel lobbies and train stations. I could of just stayed home and been all comfy with hubby and cats and food and a bed that is actually comfortable.  

I offer up inspiration. Yesterday I spent a delightful afternoon at the Musee des Arts Decoratifs.  It's part of the Lourve but really focuses on the objects des arts. I have visited this museum every time I travel to Paris. They change it up quite frequently. Can you imagine the vaults of art they own?

I think I pretty much took a picture of everything there.  Officially this is my favorite museum in the world -- so far.

The connection comes when you realize that the objects we surround ourselves with are simply objects of art. Objects, functional or not, that are made from artists. We cannot live without them.